10 Tips from the Sexologist

Sexologists are generally psychiatrists who have become well versed and specialize in all aspects of sexual relationships, disorders and dysfunctions. Sexologist experts can provide invaluable advice when it comes to relationships and, in particular, your intimate life. If your sex life is pretty much nonexistent then it’s probably a deeper reflection of your relationship with […]
Prescription drugs affect libido

Unfortunately, many important prescription drugs have negative side effects; one of which is decreased libido and testosterone levels. The most common drugs to affect libido are anti-depressants and anti-seizure medication, but there are more too. This is not to be taken lightly. Low libido affects relationships and so it’s important to understand the issue and […]
Testosterone therapy in the UK

There has been some buzz in the press recently about testosterone replacement therapy being endorsed and encouraged by a progressing number of specialists in the UK. That being said, it is encouraged for men, but strangely enough, not for women. As of writing, there are no licensed testosterone gel preparations in the UK for women […]
Boosting female libido

Perhaps one of the most difficult symptoms of menopause is having low libido. Moodiness, fatigue and hot flashes are no fun either, but having a low libido directly impacts a woman’s relationship with her partner. Hang in there, because it doesn’t mean your sex life has to end. Sometimes you just need a little help, […]
Prescribing testosterone for women

When you hit menopause and start complaining about symptoms most doctors automatically start recommending normal HRT treatments (hormone replacement therapy). This is normally Estrogen and/or Progesterone based. After all, these are the main female hormones that deplete during menopause and the “change of life”. While it’s true that these hormones help maintain hormonal balance and […]
How to Apply AndroFeme

We all need testosterone, even women do. AndroFeme is a testosterone replacement therapy for women. It is the only bioidentical therapy of its kind that is specifically designed for women to ensure women get the most out of their testosterone therapy. Testosterone is needed to nurture the reproductive system and achieve good sexual health, in […]
How to apply ProFeme

Using ProFeme progesterone cream can help you control and manage your progesterone levels. Use correctly and feel less side effects of progesterone deficiency (or Estrogen Dominance). Apply ProFeme only under the supervision or recommendation of a professional doctor! What is ProFeme? ProFeme is an external transdermal cream that contains a type of progesterone that is as […]
Orgasms are good for your health!

People with hormone imbalance and low testosterone often struggle to achieve a meaningful sex life and part of that means having the ability to orgasm. Treating hormone imbalance and low testosterone is beneficial for your moods swings and body tone but it’s also an aid to achieving the big “O”. As many of our customers […]
Hormone Therapy for Menopause and You

As any woman who is (unfortunately) continuously aging, at a certain point it’s time to think about the big elephant in the room–menopause. We’ve all heard the horror stories. Mood swings, hot flashes, weight gain, ceaseless discomfort…and the inevitable loss of sex drive. But does it have to be the curse it is made out […]
Exercising as We Age

Ever think: “Well, I climbed a lot of stairs at work today, that could count as my cardio for the week?” Or “skipping out on this cake for desert is the equivalent of an ab exercise right?” With these little mental compromises, we often justify not exercising. As we get older and stop worrying about […]