Perhaps one of the most difficult symptoms of menopause is having low libido. Moodiness, fatigue and hot flashes are no fun either, but having a low libido directly impacts a woman’s relationship with her partner. Hang in there, because it doesn’t mean your sex life has to end. Sometimes you just need a little help, a little boost back on the ladder. To boost female libido whether you are pre or post menopause can be done in a few different ways, and with great success.
First of all, let’s understand why a woman’s sex drive decreases after the age of 50. Sexual desire slows as both men and women age, but women are two to three times more likely to suffer from a low sex drive. This is especially true for women of menopause age, partly due to low energy levels and partly due to the significant decrease of testosterone levels. If you want to boost female libido you need to understand why low libido is happening. Get to the route cause of it and find the right treatment. At its core, low libido is normally down to fluctuating hormones and a decrease in testosterone production. Low testosterone causes lower energy levels as well as a decrease in sexual desire.
Boosting Female Libido and Testosterone
That’s right, women need testosterone too. Testosterone is considered the sex hormone and, since it decreases with age, so too does libido. Testosterone is responsible for every stage of sex, beginning with desire itself. Boosting female libido that been affected by low testosterone levels, try using a testosterone therapy and see how you feel after three weeks. With testosterone therapies such as AndroFeme, a woman can reclaim her sex life by slowly increasing testosterone levels, so says clinical trials and thousands of user testimonials. It can also help with other side effects of menopause too, especially by increasing energy levels, increasing bone density and controlling weight gain. Overall, using a testosterone therapy during menopause, and after menopause, can hugely beneficial.
Shannon Chavez, PhD, a psychologist and sex therapist in private practice in Beverly Hills, California, talks about how and why boosting female libido is so important during the menopause years.
“Libido is all about energy. When menopause hits, it causes so many physical and emotional changes in the body that it leaves a woman depleted of energy. If a woman is fatigued, the last thing on her mind is usually sex.”. It makes sense, energy, endurance, libido – each one affects the other and results in the woman feeling closed off from her libido and relationship.
If you think you might have low testosterone levels and want to boost your libido using testosterone therapy or another different kind of therapy first of all work out if low testosterone really is the key to why you feel the way you feel? Take one of these free online hormone tests to see if you have low testosterone and to what extent or if menopause is the reason why you are experiencing various side effects.
Another reason why many women don’t want sex as they age is because of vaginal dryness. Decreased estrogen levels can be responsible for this and can easily be treated with an estrogen cream. If you do suffer from dryness or painful sex it does need to be checked out as it can sometimes be a sign of a more serious medical condition. This is also another side effect of menopause and fluctuating hormone levels but it is different from the causes of low libido.
Boosting Female Libido and Healthy lifestyle
Exercise is a great way to boost your image while keeping your body in shape. Many women talk about the positive effect exercise has on libido.
Make sure you get checked out for magnesium and iron deficiencies as these can influence energy levels. Additionally, try to eat a nutritious diet consisting of essential fatty acids such as oily fish, nuts and seeds, as well as legumes like chickpeas, lentils and soya since they contain phytoestrogens which help naturally balance your hormones.
Speak up
With treatments available for low testosterone levels in menopausal women, it’s really important not to ignore the issue as this is both detrimental to your relationship and your health. Most women believe an active sex life is important, but 75% of women aren’t interested in sex once they hit their 50s and half of them don’t talk about it or get help. Boosting female libido with a therapy or lifestyle change can only mean you benefit from the chance to regain your sex life and marital communications.
Unfortunately, when sex is nonexistent in a relationship it can often interfere with emotional intimacy too, creating resentment and relationship conflict. While it can be embarrassing for a woman to address the issue of low libido, both to her partner and doctor, it is beneficial to keep communication open when dealing with menopause.
Since the change in hormones is the main contributor to decreased libido, it is pretty straightforward to resolve with appropriate hormone replacement therapy. Testosterone therapy is sometimes prescribed with estrogen gel to eliminate potential side effects of testosterone treatment such as acne.
Life begins at 50
Don’t lock yourself into the stereotype. There’s no reason why a woman above 50 can’t increase her libido and have the best sex of her life. As we get older, our self-confidence increases along with our maturity, and so too does our sexual expression. Reclaiming your sex life might well be the best thing that will happen to you, helping you continue to feel desirable, loved and passionate.