The truth about Sex Drive in your 40s, 50s, 60s and Beyond

As we age, our bodies change in many ways and sex is no exception. You may assume that sex is less common or less pleasurable with age. The truth is, sex changes throughout the years and often it can change for the better! We’re going to take a look at how sex and sex drive […]
Too Old for Sex?

Many young people scoff at the thought of old people having sex, thinking that passion is only for the young and that sex when older is distasteful. Yet they couldn’t be more mistaken. Life sure doesn’t end at 50 or even 70. In fact, many researchers are finding that the best years of sex are […]
Five Ways to Boost Your Sex Drive Today

Having a low sex drive is more common than you think. In fact, about 30% of women complain of low libido as do 15% of men. A decrease in libido can happen at any time and for a number of reasons, but of course it does also naturally decrease with age. Why does it happen? […]
Having Sex in Old Age Can Improve Cognitive Function

Having sex in old age is healthy – and now there’s proof to support it. Now there’s no reason to prioritize Sudoku and crosswords because you can achieve the same result with sex, according to the latest research. New studies have come out showing that seniors enjoying frequent sexual activity can actually benefit from improved […]
Menopause Survival Guide

Menopause Survival Guide For most women, menopause begins in the late 40s or early 50s. Along with it comes a variety of symptoms including mood swings, hot flashes, low libido, sleep disturbances and more. There are many things you can do to reduce the symptoms experienced during this time, and it happens to be the […]
Exercise and Libido

Exercise and Libido Most people exercise in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, keep fit and maintain a healthy body weight. Exercise helps us build our muscle strength, coordination and cardiovascular fitness. Everyone knows the importance of exercise, but it might have more advantages than you had thought. Exercise can also play a role […]
Antidepressants and Libido

Antidepressants and Libido Approximately 1 in 5 Americans suffer from depression. It affects both men and women. Does taking antidepressants to combat the depression have a negative effect on libido? It seems a bit contradictory that the pill that makes you happier causes you to have less of a desire for sex, but unfortunately […]
Five Things that Kill your Sex Drive

While sex isn’t the focus in a healthy relationship, it definitely is an important aspect of it. If things aren’t going right in the bedroom, it can sometimes affect the relationship outside of the bedroom. Don’t turn a blind eye if you and your partner are experiencing some problems getting intimate. Lack of sex drive […]
Mushrooms: Not Just for Eating?

Folklore about this fabulous fungus is abundant. It starts with Neolithic man, dating back 4,000 years, when a mummy was found with Piptoporus betulinus in his medicine kit, a mushroom used for its antibiotic properties and as a natural parasite killer, still in use today. Historically, Egyptian hieroglyphics show mushrooms as the “plant of immortality”; […]
Sex Drive Increase in Summer: True or Not?

The weather can definitely have a strong influence on sex drive, but is there sex drive increase in summer months? Well, it depends. Sunshine and feeling good Both men and women produce more serotonin in the spring and the summer. Serotonin is the feel-good hormone which is released in the brain. With an increase […]