The Truth about Soy and Hormones

Research and opinions have been going back and forth for years as to the effects of soy on hormones. Many still hold the belief that soy can affect hormone levels in a negative way that causes testosterone to drop and estrogen to rise. However, new studies are finally putting these myths to rest. Before we […]
Depression? Menopausal? There’s a Link You May Not Know About

It is a well known fact that women transitioning to menopause experience a number of symptoms. One of the possible symptoms some women may experience during this time is depression. But is being depressed during menopause caused from the change in hormones? Or are there other reasons too? It is said that women who are […]
ADHD, Hormones and You

We know how changes in hormones can affect mood, energy levels, sleep and libido – but new research is now showing that hormones can also have an impact on ADHD. A recent study was conducted by Michelle Martel, a professor in psychology at a UK college. She is examining ADHD symptoms in young women. It […]
Where Does Your Body Store Fat?

Men and women store body fat in different places. You may have noticed that this happens more noticeably as men and women age. The reason isn’t necessarily because they’re less active, but because their sex hormones are declining.When men gain weight it goes straight to their abdomen causing the “beer belly” look. Women store it […]
High T= High Confidence?

Advertisements and marketing have created a certain image for testosterone and men over 40. In fact, according to the FDA there are a million more men taking testosterone supplements now than there were four years ago. Many of the men who are taking these supplements do have low testosterone levels and taking supplements can help […]
Menopause Survival Guide

Menopause Survival Guide For most women, menopause begins in the late 40s or early 50s. Along with it comes a variety of symptoms including mood swings, hot flashes, low libido, sleep disturbances and more. There are many things you can do to reduce the symptoms experienced during this time, and it happens to be the […]
Five Things that Kill your Sex Drive

While sex isn’t the focus in a healthy relationship, it definitely is an important aspect of it. If things aren’t going right in the bedroom, it can sometimes affect the relationship outside of the bedroom. Don’t turn a blind eye if you and your partner are experiencing some problems getting intimate. Lack of sex drive […]
Sex Drive Increase in Summer: True or Not?

The weather can definitely have a strong influence on sex drive, but is there sex drive increase in summer months? Well, it depends. Sunshine and feeling good Both men and women produce more serotonin in the spring and the summer. Serotonin is the feel-good hormone which is released in the brain. With an increase […]
Treat depression with hormones

We came across this opinion piece in the New York Times a while back and just had to touch base on it. The article talks about medicating women’s feelings. It’s a subject close to home as we have many female patients using testosterone and progesterone or a combination of both. whats better? Treating with anti-depressants […]
Getting to know the Hormone Lingo

In the world of hormone replacement therapy, there are many different commonly used terms that you might hear. But do you know what they all mean? We’ve got a list of some of the common lingo and a quick explanation of each Hormone Lingo below. Andropause or viropause, also known as manopause or male menopause, […]