We take a look at the most common Low T facts and myths and how important it is to take a Low T test. Get clued up and recognize the symptoms and how testosterone levels affect your everyday life.
If you are currently on a treatment program we encourage you to take the test again and find out how your score has improved.
This self-assessment Low T Test is easy to do and it’s FREE. Let’s face it, if you are worried about Low T you can spend hours looking at causes and symptoms but the only to move forward is by taking a test. Once you have your score you’ll be able to consider treatment options.
MYTH: Low Testosterone only affects erectile dysfunction:
FACT: The main symptom of testosterone deficiency is a reduced level of sexual desire and performance however that’s not all! Changes and reduction of muscle mass and muscle strength,mood swings, reduced motivation and low energy levels are all connected to Low Testosterone levels as well. Many of these symptoms are commonly dismissed by physicians as mild depression and are treated with anti-depressants instead of being linked to Low T. You can take testosterone replacements improve all these aspects, even if you are not officially below the Low T test line.
MYTH: Only older men need to worry about testosterone levels:
FACT: After the age of 30, testosterone production starts to slow down but it doesn’t automatically mean that a man will lose his libido. It’s a gradual process that affects some more than others and many men never experience a reduction in wellbeing. Low-T can affect men of all ages for many different reasons. Living an unhealthy lifestyle (including high alcohol consumption and smoking), lack of exercise and bad eating can contribute but physical trauma, castration and endocrine disorders are also known causes.
MYTH: If you lose weight and exercise your testosterone levels will increase naturally, so there’s no need for treatment:
FACT: Being overweight can affect your testosterone levels. Exercising is one of the best ways to lose weight, feel good about “you” and increase energy levels but it doesn’t help naturally increase your testosterone levels for the long term. After a workout your testosterone levels can increase but the effect is short lived and in most cases is not enough to maintain higher levels on a daily basis. You might however, find that feeling good about yourself naturally increases your sexual desire so there is a good knock on effect! If you overdo it watch out for the adverse effect. Heavy trainers and performance athletes often have low T levels that need to be supplemented as they have pushed their body too far.
MYTH: It doesn’t matter if you treat low T or not, as it doesn’t cause you any other health concerns:
FACT: Men with Low T levels are actually at higher risk for developing diseases like diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, obesity and prostate cancer. If you have Low T you need to get it treated so you don’t increase your chances of developing one of these related diseases! It will also give you a better sense of well-being.
MYTH: I heard that testosterone injections are the most effective but I don’t like injections!
FACT: Testosterone replacement therapy can be administered through injections but there are also equally effective methods like patches and topical testosterone creams. Androforte and Androgel are good examples. Androforte is a cream applied to the scrotum and Androgel is a gel applied to the upper body (it comes in a pump or daily sachets) Both treatments are just as effective and can be administered at home rather than by a doctor.
MYTH: You can only get testosterone replacement therapies if you have a doctor’s prescription:
FACT: This is mostly true, especially for testosterone injections however, you can buy testosterone creams and supplements online at a reasonable price. Creams or gels licensed by a reputable pharmaceutical company are OK to use but stay clear of the fakes and generics as you want to be 100% sure the treatment you are getting is pharmaceutical grade and bio-identical for the best results. Many people with borderline testosterone levels can’t get a doctor’s prescription but would greatly benefit from increasing levels.
MYTH: I feel like I have less energy and diminished sense of well-being. I want to take a Low T test but you can only do this at the doctor:
FACT: There are many easy and free online Low-T tests and they just take a minute to do! Make sure you answer the questions honestly though, to get an accurate reading.
MYTH: I’m already on Low-T therapy, I don’t need to test for Low T again:
FACT: Like any form of therapy it’s important to keep track of how the treatment is going. The way to do this is through repeat testing and monitoring. YOu don’t need to do this every week but you should re-test once every 2 months.
MYTH: Testosterone treatments cause heart attacks:
FACT: Testosterone has been in the news lately based on a poor study done by PLOS-1, Testosterone increases both your willingness and ability to exercise and be active. If you have a pre-existing heart condition then you should consult your doctor. Also remember that you should build up your exercise gradually so that your heart can keep up to your new T level. Testosterone has been studied and has shown to help in heart disease, diabetes, and weight loss.
An estimated 37%of men over the age of 40 suffer from Low T! So why are only 1% treated for it when an increased number of middle age men are being prescribed anti-depressants? What appears to be mild depression and a midlife crisis could easily be related to testosterone levels! Please help share this article so we can get more people testing. It’s important for men’s health.