Every woman’s body produces natural progesterone; it’s one of the 3 sex hormones that make a woman,well, a woman. The other two hormones are testosterone and estrogen. When these 3 hormones are unbalanced, it can have a negative effect on the body and mind. Progesterone is the calming force in these 3 hormones so it plays a vital role in maintaining equilibrium.

Have you ever considered that PCOS (polycyctic ovarian syndrome) and endometriosis are down to progesterone deficiency? Have you ever considered that taking an oral contraceptive can offset the balance of progesterone and cause symptoms like weight gain, acne and sleep disturbances? Progesterone plays a role in all these scenarios. We’re not saying that progesterone deficiency is the sole direct cause of these issues but it’s important to recognize that there is a link. The three sex hormones, testosterone, progesterone and estrogen have to work together to maintain hormonal balance. Here are some basic facts on each:

Testosterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. It’s an Androgen hormone that controls mood changes, sex drive and performance, muscle tone, bone density and energy levels.

Estrogen is a group of steroid hormones produced by the ovaries and fat tissue. They circulate the bloodstream and are essential for reproductive functions including uterine lining and female body characteristics. These groups of hormones are stimulants to the body.

Progesterone helps to regulate menstruation and is needed for the health of a woman’s overall reproductive system. It also acts to calm and balance out estrogen levels.

If you have progesterone hormone imbalance you may experience common symptoms including low energy levels, weight gain, anxiety, disturbances in your sleep, cloudy thoughts, bladder control weakness, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding or mood swings. However, more serious conditions can also arise. We already mentioned PCOS and endometriosis but progesterone deficiency is also linked to postpartum depression, infertility, early miscarriage and breast cancer.

A bit about PCOS (polycyctic ovarian syndrome) and progesterone deficiency.

If you have PCOS you’re likely to experience infrequent and irregular periods as the ovaries fail to ovulate and the eggs that should have been released stay inside the follicles of the ovary. During this process progesterone is not produced, the brain sees this and sends a message back to the ovaries to stimulate more follicles. The cycle goes round and round causing many unpleasant side effects including a rise in testosterone levels. With these side effects come more weight gain, acne and an increase in body and facial hair. There are many medications prescribed to PCOS women but most of them are synthetic hormonal solutions that manage symptoms rather than treat the cause. The best way to combat PCOS is to use a natural progesterone replacement treatment, like Profeme cream, so you can address your progesterone levels, the underlying cause of PCOS.

A bit about Endometriosis and progesterone deficiency.

If you have Endometriosis it means tissue from the uterus wall has started growing outside your womb, like in the Fallopian tubes and even as far out as the bowl area. The condition migrates with the help of Estrogen dominance, meaning the progesterone levels do not adequately control the Estrogen stimulant. It can be painful and serious cases can cause infertility. Current treatment include everything from synthetically managing the symptoms to having a hysterectomy. However, you can also use a natural progesterone cream to increase progesterone levels so your body has a better chance of controlling the estrogen dominance. Results can sometimes take a few months but it’s worth a try if you don’t want to a take synthetic oral medication every day or have surgery.

A bit about infertility, early miscarriage and progesterone deficiency.

A high level of progesterone is needed to see a pregnancy full term. It’s responsible for keeping the uterine lining strong until the placenta takes over towards the end of the first trimester. Normally once you fall pregnant your production of progesterone increases but in some women the body fails to produce more or enough. The result is a breakdown of the uterine lining resulting in early miscarriage. If you have experienced an early term miscarriage, more than once, it could be because of your progesterone levels.

A bit about Menopause, Peri-menopause and progesterone deficiency.

Menopause is when the ovaries stop menstruating and the body stops producing natural progesterone. During this time the ovaries also slow down production of estrogen so you might think the balance will remain intact. However, because the body is no longer producing any natural progesterone at all, an imbalance does occur.  This normally happens after the ages of 45 but in some women it can occur earlier. Women can suffer the same same menopausal symptoms during the peri-menopausal years, the years leading up to the actual menopause. During this time, a woman’s periods start becoming inconsistent and with it comes an inconsistency in hormone production. Restoring your progesterone levels through progesterone therapy eliminates many symptoms and goes a long way to restoring balance.

Click here to see other symptoms associated with Progesterone deficiency in women.

If you want to know more about how Progesterone effects hot flashes and night sweats, heavy menstrual bleeding, breast disorders, breast cancer, depression, anxiety, PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), PPD (Postpartum Depression) or hormonal induced headaches and migraines here is a FREE Progesterone booklet that you can download.

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