Maintaining hormone balance in women

From the beginning of a female’s reproductive life and beyond that into menopause, the primary state of her health and fertility is highly dependent on the levels and interactions of two hormones. If, and unfortunately, that’s also when they get out of balance, she can lose her ability to conceive and give birth, and enjoy […]

Hormone Therapy for Menopause and You

As any woman who is (unfortunately) continuously aging, at a certain point it’s time to think about the big elephant in the room–menopause. We’ve all heard the horror stories. Mood swings, hot flashes, weight gain, ceaseless discomfort…and the inevitable loss of sex drive. But does it have to be the curse it is made out […]

Treat depression with hormones


We came across this opinion piece in the New York Times a while back and just had to touch base on it. The article talks about medicating women’s feelings. It’s a subject close to home as we have many female patients using testosterone and progesterone or a combination of both. whats better? Treating with anti-depressants […]

Dosage instructions for AndroForte

androforte dosage

  We often get asked about the strength of our products and dosage instructions for AndroForte, AndroFeme and ProFeme so we’ve made a blog post about it! That way all the information is out there to see visually.   There is a difference in strength and dosage quantity. The dose is the amount of cream […]

Perimenopause & Menopause infographic

menopause infograpic

It happens to all women eventually, so it’s best to be prepared and know what MIGHT happen to your body during the Perimenopause and Menopuase stage of life. This Menopause infographic gives some nice statistics, outlines the main symptoms and shows you what you can do about treating them. Men take note as well, it […]

Progesterone, Infertility and Early Miscarriage

ultrasound 12 weeks

Progesterone has a far more reaching affect than just making you feel hormonally imbalanced and a little bit tired. It can be the reason why you having trouble conceiving. It can also be responsible for early miscarriage. Recently, we discussed the effects Progesterone deficiency on a woman’s body but we only briefly touched on the […]

Dealing with the Perimenopause years

Perienopause & Menopause symptoms

In last week’s blog post we talked about Progesterone Deficiency and hormone imbalance in women. We ran through some basics on the 3 main functioning hormones that keep us women hormonally balanced – Progesterone, Estrogen and Testosterone. Today we will go through how these hormones react when a woman goes through the Perimenopause (pre-menopause) years. […]

The Effect of Progesterone Deficiency in Women

Every woman’s body produces natural progesterone; it’s one of the 3 sex hormones that make a woman,well, a woman. The other two hormones are testosterone and estrogen. When these 3 hormones are unbalanced, it can have a negative effect on the body and mind. Progesterone is the calming force in these 3 hormones so it […]

5 Tips for Managing PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

If you’re living with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), chances are you’re looking for ways to make your day-to-day live more manageable and healthy. The first line of defense to wrangling PCOS is changing your lifestyle and diet, and we’ve got some tips for managing PCOS. What is PCOS? The underlying cause of PCOS is a […]