Do Testosterone Levels Impact Mental Health?

Testosterone is a hormone that plays many roles in a man’s life. Maintaining high hormone levels to maintain good mental health and an active libido is essential. Testosterone and mental health are closely connected. Low testosterone levels can slow down the speed at which a man builds muscle mass and cause weight gain, possibly leading […]
Nugenix VS Androforte: The Truth

Nugenix VS Androforte: The Truth Low testosterone is a very common condition, especially in older men, and this can lead to a variety of unpleasant symptoms such as low libido, depression, fatigue and more. Fortunately, there are many solutions to treat low testosterone levels in men, so we decided to explore the differences and effectiveness […]
Antidepressants and Libido

Antidepressants and Libido Approximately 1 in 5 Americans suffer from depression. It affects both men and women. Does taking antidepressants to combat the depression have a negative effect on libido? It seems a bit contradictory that the pill that makes you happier causes you to have less of a desire for sex, but unfortunately […]
Five Things that Kill your Sex Drive

While sex isn’t the focus in a healthy relationship, it definitely is an important aspect of it. If things aren’t going right in the bedroom, it can sometimes affect the relationship outside of the bedroom. Don’t turn a blind eye if you and your partner are experiencing some problems getting intimate. Lack of sex drive […]
Stress and Erectile Dysfunction

Both stress and low testosterone levels share a lot of the same symptoms. These symptoms include low libido, trouble sleeping, fatigue, depression and lack of energy. In fact, stress and low T may actually be linked. It is said that approximately 10-20% of erectile dysfunction cases result from psychological factors. So stress and anxiety, whether […]
Is AndroForte Better than AndroGel?

Is AndroForte better than AndroGel? Testosterone levels in a man decrease with age resulting in feelings of depression, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction and many other symptoms. Thankfully, there are many testosterone replacement options available. In this article we will explore Androforte and Androgel. You might be wondering whether to choose Androforte or Androgel for […]