A recent large scale study found that the majority of men with erectile dysfunction to not seek treatment for it. Researchers and doctors wonder why men who suffer from ED do not seek treatment. For the past 15 years treatments for erectile dysfunction have been all over social and mainstream media.

There are a reported 15-30 million American men who suffer from ED. Doctors need to have a better understanding of the disconnect between diagnosis and treatment. Maybe it is the commercials which make it seems like such a light condition, maybe it is the ego.

For this study, there were 6.2 million men who participated. Out of those men, only 25.4% sought treatment for erectile dysfunction after diagnosis.

AndroForte testosterone cream can treat erectile dysfunction if the cause of it is down to low testosterone levels.


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Read the full story here: http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2013/05/14/study-majority-of-men-with-erectile-dysfunction-do-not-seek-treatment/