Are you worried that you’re not sexually compatible with your partner, even though you love him or her? If so, it’s important to understand this – it’s not unusual for one partner to have a higher sex drive than the other, and it needn’t be a problem either. If you are worried about sexual compatibility then read on…Since sex is such an integral part of any romantic relationship, it can be very disconcerting when not everything is going to plan. Someone with a low sex drive might be, wrongly, accused of not finding his or her partner attractive. Both sides can feel extremely self-conscious – the one who has trouble getting in the mood or maintaining an ejaculation might feel embarrassed (which only makes the problem worse!) and inadequate, and the other partner might feel unattractive as a result.
Since sex is such an integral part of any romantic relationship, it can be very disconcerting when not everything is going to plan. Someone with a low sex drive might be, wrongly, accused of not finding his or her partner attractive. Both sides can feel extremely self-conscious – the one who has trouble getting in the mood or maintaining an ejaculation might feel embarrassed (which only makes the problem worse!) and inadequate, and the other partner might feel unattractive as a result.
However, it’s important to remember that a lot of the time, these problems can be a result of an underlying health problem that can be rectified with appropriate medication.
Emotional or physical?
Before we discuss physical problems that might be affecting your libido, it’s important to first rule out emotional issues relating to your sexual compatibility. Is there something bothering you emotionally which is preventing you get in the mood? This can range from being insecure about yourself or your partner to low self-confidence and self-esteem. If you think this might be the problem, it’s important you are open with your partner and discuss any problems you are experiencing with either your feelings towards yourself or your partner.
Needing medication
If there aren’t any emotional concerns surrounding your sexual compatibility, then it’s time to explore the physical reasons for your low sex drive or inability to climax.
As both men and women age, testosterone levels decrease and this affects sex drive. It’s important to undergo hormonal blood tests if you suspect this is the case since a testosterone deficiency can affect both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Some women may also need an increase in testosterone in order to increase libido and mood. If it turns out you are low on testosterone then it’s pretty simple to undergo.
As both men and women age, testosterone levels decrease and this affects sex drive. It’s important to undergo hormonal blood tests if you suspect this is the case since a testosterone deficiency can affect both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Some women may also need an increase in testosterone in order to increase libido and mood. If it turns out you are low on testosterone then it’s pretty simple to undergo testosterone therapy. Both men and women can benefit from using testosterone therapies.
Men who suffer from sexual dysfunction can greatly benefit from sexual performance drugs such as Viagra and Cialis. While these drugs do not treat the root of the cause (for example, high blood pressure or diabetes), they do allow you to perform better in the bedroom – which is exactly what you want! By the way, it’s important to see a doctor if you are experiencing sexual dysfunction so the cause can be treated. Women can take a drug such as Addyi to help with libido problems.
Being open with your partner
Whatever the reason for your low libido, sexual dysfunction or sexual compatibility issue, it’s important to be 100% open with your partner. Find a time to sit down and discuss sex with your partner because communication is key. As was said above, the problem isn’t having a difference in desire – the problem is when we don’t know how to handle it. An honest conversation with your partner can help him or her understand your difficulty and will enable you to receive the support you need. It’s also important to show your partner that it isn’t their fault and that you very much want to get help in order to improve the situation.
Another way of coping with differences in sex drive and sexual compatibility is by redefining sex. Perhaps it is time to consider other ways such as masturbation in order to take the pressure off. If one partner wants frequent sex and the other does not, then there needs to be a solution which allows for satisfaction on both sides. With adequate communication and honesty, both partners can find a way that allows for mutual satisfaction without compromising the relationship.