Depression? Menopausal? There’s a Link You May Not Know About

It is a well known fact that women transitioning to menopause experience a number of symptoms. One of the possible symptoms some women may experience during this time is depression. But is being depressed during menopause caused from the change in hormones? Or are there other reasons too? It is said that women who are […]

Antidepressants and Libido

Antidepressants and Libido   Approximately 1 in 5 Americans suffer from depression. It affects both men and women. Does taking antidepressants to combat the depression have a negative effect on libido? It seems a bit contradictory that the pill that makes you happier causes you to have less of a desire for sex, but unfortunately […]

Can Your T Levels be Too High?

Having too much testosterone is quite rare for men and isn’t generally a clinical condition that doctors look out for. With that said, it’s important to be aware of the condition and its side effects. Can T levels be too high? Testosterone is the sex hormone and both men and women experience a decline in […]

Menopause and Weight Gain

Women who have reached menopause encounter a lot of different changes as their bodies adjust to the hormone changes. Fluctuations cause mood swings, sexual changes, hot flashes and weight gain. Why does this happen? By the time a woman reaches menopause, testosterone levels are half of what they were at puberty. Testosterone is responsible for […]

Orgasms are good for your health!

orgasm and health

People with hormone imbalance and low testosterone often struggle to achieve a meaningful sex life and part of that means having the ability to orgasm. Treating hormone imbalance and low testosterone is beneficial for your moods swings and body tone but it’s also an aid to achieving the big “O”. As many of our customers […]

Hormone Therapy for Menopause and You

As any woman who is (unfortunately) continuously aging, at a certain point it’s time to think about the big elephant in the room–menopause. We’ve all heard the horror stories. Mood swings, hot flashes, weight gain, ceaseless discomfort…and the inevitable loss of sex drive. But does it have to be the curse it is made out […]