Unexpected Signs of a Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones are powerful chemicals that travel around your body, sending different systems and organs signals as to how they should function. As such, if there is a hormonal imbalance, it can have a huge effect on your body. It is normal for hormones to fluctuate at certain times of your life. For instance, a woman’s […]

The Truth about Soy and Hormones

Research and opinions have been going back and forth for years as to the effects of soy on hormones. Many still hold the belief that soy can affect hormone levels in a negative way that causes testosterone to drop and estrogen to rise. However, new studies are finally putting these myths to rest. Before we […]

Menopause Survival Guide

Menopause Survival Guide For most women, menopause begins in the late 40s or early 50s. Along with it comes a variety of symptoms including mood swings, hot flashes, low libido, sleep disturbances and more. There are many things you can do to reduce the symptoms experienced during this time, and it happens to be the […]

Sex Drive Increase in Summer: True or Not?

The weather can definitely have a strong influence on sex drive, but is there sex drive increase in summer months? Well, it depends.   Sunshine and feeling good Both men and women produce more serotonin in the spring and the summer. Serotonin is the feel-good hormone which is released in the brain. With an increase […]

Is soy bad for men & hormones?

soy bad for hormones

Soy is often used as a meat substitute in vegetarian diets and it’s also used by many as an alternative and healthy source of protein. Some say that soy isn’t healthy for you and some specify that soy is particularly bad for men as too much soy can affect hormone levels. So should men only […]

Does Low T aid physical decline in old age?

physical decline in old age

Are your testosterone levels the reason why you appear to be aging faster than your peers? Does Low T aid physical decline in old age? A study done by Australian researchers indicates that physical decline could have a direct relationship with low sex hormone levels, especially low testosterone. Loss of muscle strength and tone is […]

What is an Oophorectomy?

What is an Oophorectomy?

It might have a funny sounding name, but every year for thousands of women oophorectomy, the surgical removal of one or both of the ovaries is no laughing matter. The ovaries are the part of a woman’s reproductive system that produce female sex hormones like progesterone, and the ovaries also store and release eggs for fertilization. When […]