While many people have only heard about testosterone treatments as a cure all for erectile dysfunction, it actually can help if you have low energy. There are other medical issues that can hide your low testosterone, or low T, such as problems with mood, libido and decrease in bone mass.

Men and women alike can feel fatigued at times, but it is up to the patient to recognize that they are excessively fatigued and speak to their doctor about options. There are other medical issues that can attribute many of these symptoms.

This is why it is important to speak to your doctor to get tested and see if there is another problem, or if it is low T.

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Read full story here: http://siouxcityjournal.com/special-section/siouxland_life/no-energy-testosterone-problems-could-be-to-blame/article_45628fd0-1aa0-5cf2-b088-de52ee2fbcba.html