Do Testosterone Levels Impact Mental Health?
Testosterone is a hormone that plays many roles in a man’s life. Maintaining high hormone levels to maintain good mental health and an active libido is essential. Testosterone and mental health are closely connected. Low testosterone levels can slow down the speed at which a man builds muscle mass and cause weight gain, possibly leading […]
Age affects your testosterone levels – and what to do about it
A quick search on Google or any of the other main search engines shows that there are still many fundamental questions about how aging can affect the testosterone level in your body. Questions high on the list are “At what age does a man’s testosterone drop?” or “What should my testosterone level be for my […]
Normal Testosterone Levels
Testosterone is the sex hormone that both men and women produce, though men produce it in far larger quantities. Testosterone is responsible for healthy libido, energy, muscle building, and in men – a deep voice and body hair. What are normal testosterone levels? Testosterone levels for healthy men measure between 300 and 1,110 ng/dL. This […]
Is testosterone the spice of life?
Testosterone has been linked to many things but spicy food is a new one for us! Apparently it’s true though! According to a new study conducted in France men who like spicy food also have higher testosterone levels! (well, put it this way, it’s rare for men with low testosterone to like eating spicy foods) […]
Testosterone in Women & Men
Thinking Outside the Pill Box Testosterone in Women & Men. The world of medical therapy has become so incredibly complex over the past century that even highly trained and skilled physicians and scientists are forced increasingly to think in relatively conservative terms, using the “given knowledge” of established theory rather than being truly innovative and […]
Refraining From Sex May Increase Testosterone
Observant Jewish couples follow the laws of family purity, which include refraining from sex throughout a woman’s period, and for a full seven days following menstruation. And, according to a brand new study to be given at the Second Annual Conference on Judaism and Evolution at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies on Sunday, those […]