Is testosterone the spice of life?

men and spicy foods

Testosterone has been linked to many things but spicy food is a new one for us! Apparently it’s true though! According to a new study conducted in France men who like spicy food also have higher testosterone levels! (well, put it this way, it’s rare for men with low testosterone to like eating spicy foods) […]

Guide To Checking Your Testicles


Checking your testicles for lumps and bumps should be done regularly, just as you should do for breasts (yes, men should also check their breasts too, not just women) The size, shape and feel of your testicles can indicate many types of illness and disease. Sometimes the testes have not developed properly due to genetic […]

The Testosterone Stroke Debate

EMA ruling on testosterone

The stroke debate is over, so says a regularity panel appointed by the European Union. They found that there is no consistent evidence to suggest that testosterone use in men causes increased risk of serious cardiovascular episodes: like strokes and heart attacks. They even found that in some cases, cardiovascular problems were caused by not […]

Let’s get real about Men’s Sexual Health

men's sexual health

Women love talking about personal issues, the more personal the better it seems. There are so many online support groups, Facebook pages and forums to gossip and give opinions on. For men, it’s slightly more difficult to open up about their sexual health, especially when it comes to anything manly, like testosterone and sexual performance. […]

Talking about sex with your partner

talking about sex with your partner

This is a follow on post from our article on men’s sexual health and how sexual dysfunction affects them. We also wrote a post about different sexual performance drugs that you can take for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. What’s special about this post? Well it focuses on talking about sex with your partner, in […]

Does Low T aid physical decline in old age?

physical decline in old age

Are your testosterone levels the reason why you appear to be aging faster than your peers? Does Low T aid physical decline in old age? A study done by Australian researchers indicates that physical decline could have a direct relationship with low sex hormone levels, especially low testosterone. Loss of muscle strength and tone is […]

Better sex later in life is possible

loving older couple

It’s one of the big misconceptions in life that as you get older your sex life goes down the drain and that’s it “game over”. For many people this is simply not true and for the rest, well, it doesn’t have to be this way. You might need a little helping hand but sex later […]

AndroGel vs AndroForte Comparison

AndroForte AndroGel infographic

  The difference between AndroForte and AndroGel – strength, application, dosage and cost. Compare AndroForte to other low testosterone therapy products.

Topical Testosterone And How It Can Help You!

We all have testosterone in our bodies. It’s a very important hormone that allows our body to regulate many everyday functions like having enough energy to last out the day, controlling our mood swings, wanting and enjoying sex and having good muscle mass. When our testosterone levels drop, these functions can be effected but it’s […]

Testosterone in the News: Stress, Deep Voices, Women and T

High Testosterone and a Deep Voice

A hotter topic than ever, testosterone and the effects of low testosterone on men are popping up in health news on a daily basis. Here are a few recent stories that might interest you in the realm of low testosterone. Should Women Worry About Low T? You probably didn’t know it, but if you’ve taken […]