Do Testosterone Levels Impact Mental Health?

Testosterone is a hormone that plays many roles in a man’s life. Maintaining high hormone levels to maintain good mental health and an active libido is essential. Testosterone and mental health are closely connected. Low testosterone levels can slow down the speed at which a man builds muscle mass and cause weight gain, possibly leading […]

There may be gastro problems that are triggered by Menopause

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. Perimenopause can begin at any mature age, but it usually occurs sometime in the mid-to-late forties. It’s a sign that fertility is slowing down, and monthly periods will become irregular and finally cease altogether. At the onset of perimenopause, there […]

Doctors have identified a new silent epidemic called Andropause

Do a search on your preferred website for information about the effects of declines in hormones on a man’s QOL (quality of life). You will find most hits refer to “the male menopause,” but this is a misnomer and can lead you away from a proper understanding of what the conditions are, and how best […]

Understanding the role of testosterone in females

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in smaller amounts in the ovaries of females, as well as in the adrenal glands. While testosterone is best known for its role in the development of male sexual characteristics and reproductive function, it also plays several important roles in females. Testosterone is involved in developing female sexual […]

ED can be hurting more than just your sex life

Whenever the subject of problems with sexual performance comes up, then for most men it’s immediately related to a failure to either achieve a full erection, or to sustain an erection right through to the satisfactory end. This subject is dealt with under the heading Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, and more and more research is […]

Understanding the importance of testosterone for women

Although people may generally think about the hormone testosterone as being associated with purely men, in fact it plays an essential role in the life and health of women as well. Along with estrogen and progesterone, testosterone is one of the sex hormones that women need to produce in the right quantity, and at the […]

Side effects of some drugs may include Erectile Dysfunction

Every package of prescription drugs and also of most over-the-counter medications and supplements includes a sheet of information that details the known or potential side-effects of all of the chemicals in the pack. Often, you need a college degree including chemistry or pharmaceuticals in order to fully understand every nuance and meaning of what is […]

Understanding hormone imbalance in menopause

It is generally taken for granted that the onset of menopause is related primarily to the sharp fall-off in estrogen levels as women pass beyond their reproductive age. Usually, the decline in estrogen can begin in the early 40s. Still, there are no hard-and-fast guidelines as to when the level starts to fall off and […]

Does long COVID-19 affect sexual function in men?

Most people are by now quite familiar with the immediate effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which ripped through the world in 2020 – 2023, causing over six million deaths and 660 million cases worldwide. The development of vaccines and therapies has turned COVID-19 from a pandemic threatening the whole population into an at least partially […]

Are you confused about how HRT can be used for menopause?

Just this month, two seemingly opposite statements about the value of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopausal women came out of some prestigious and influential US bodies. On one hand, an article was published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that deals with the finding of the the US Preventive Services Task […]